Thursday, August 27, 2009

question of the week: how do you, in real life, pronounce the word sandwich?

personally, i say sanwidge.

i momentarily parted from a promenade down the hallway to pop my head into the office of a vocal faculty member.

"elizabeth," i inquired, "how do you say sandwich?"
"sand witch," she replied, all of the consonants and vowels clear and resonant enough to be painted into a still portrait with fruit. "and sometimes sammich."
"sammich. is that done intentionally to be cute?"
"yes. but if i'm actually saying it, i will say it sandwitch." she's a professor of singing (think about that one, to profess singing), which means that she gets paid to be a stickler about clippy pronunciation.
"i say sanwidge," i informed her.
"get out of my office."

what do you say?

and on an unrelated note: cheerios.


katie said...

sammich. almost always.

or sanwich, barely acknowledging the nw except to note a shift to a new syllable.

Amandolin said...

or samwidge if i am feeling CRAZY

Hailey said...

sanwich mostly.
sometimes sammich.
SAND.WICH. if someone can't seem to understand what i'm saying.