Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ladies and gentlemen, i am here to report that the swiss alps are indeed real.

this is not to say that i ever really doubted their existence necessarily, but the mythology, built out of postcards of charming pastoral scenes and the occasional wanderer who has returned and for whom a lack of approproate descriptive words renders them slack-jawed and gestulating violently with their hands as if they could pull the compositions of sheer magnitude out of thin air ...

which is sort of what i am doing now.

it is raining and at least 3/4ths of the residents in the hostel have planned to stay in. i didnt come all the way to the swiss alps to read in a nice little cabin.

off into the thunder and wet and majesty!


katie said...

i read your words and think

how i wasted my chance to do what you are doing.

we are all ready for these things at different times.

Chris W said...

Glad you never let the weather keep you inside while you were there. I think that's the biggest mistake some people make. Sure, some of the views can be more limited, but the rain/drizzle also makes for some pretty badass hikes and memories. Any time I ever considered spending a day just recovering at the hostel, someone always has talked me into going for a hike instead ... and I've always been thankful for it later.